SCPFA Members in good standing are invited to enter their high school students who meet the eligibility requirements in the 2025 Walter B. Roberts Scholarship Competition. ​
Good standing members are those whose association dues are current.
The Walter B. Roberts Scholarship Competition will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at the University of South Carolina School of Music in Columbia.
The 2025 Walter B. Roberts Scholarship amount is $4,000.00. SCPFA reserves the right to withhold the awarding of the scholarship should the competition adjudicators so advise.
In addition to meeting to meeting all festival eligibility requirements, scholarship applicants must:
Be a pre-college, high school senior enrolled in 12th grade course work during the academic year of the audition​
Not have completed high school prior to August before the competition
Plan to enter college as a music major with piano as the primary performance instrument
​Scholarship Requirements:​​
Scholarship applicants must perform for memory three pieces from the five major style periods: Baroque, Classical (including Beethoven), Romantic, Impressionistic and Contemporary. Repertoire selections applicants have played in previous SCPFA auditions is not allowed.​
Scholarship Fundraising - Proceeds from the sale of used music will continue to support the Walter B. Roberts Scholarship Fund. Donations are appreciated.