SCPFA Members in good standing are invited to enter their high school students who meet the eligibility requirements in the 2021 Walter Roberts Scholarship Competition.
Good standing members are those whose association dues are current.
The competition will be conducted by means of pre-recorded video submissions.
The 2021 Walter B. Roberts Scholarship will be in the amount of $3,000.00. SCPFA reserves the right to withhold the awarding of the scholarship should the competition adjudicators so advise.
Applications will be mailed to association members in good standing in early February 2021.
Scholarship registration fee is $20.
The postmark deadline for registration submissions is March 3, 2021.
Pre-Recorded Video Submissions:
Criteria for preparation of videos will be included with applications.
The deadline for submission of pre-recorded videos is March 13, 2021.
Eligibility: In addition to meeting all festival eligibility requirements, scholarship applicants must
Be a pre-college, high school senior, enrolled in the twelfth grade course work during the academic year of the audition.
Not have completed high school prior to August before the competition
Have auditioned in a previous SCPFA festival as a high school sophomore or junior or have been registered to participate in the 2020 auditions were cancelled after registrations were submitted; and
Plan to enter college as a music major with piano as the primary performance instrument.
Join teachers in signing registration forms affirming knowledge of and compliance with all competition rules.
Scholarship applicants must perform fro memory three pieces from the five major style periods.
Repertoire selections cannot include music performed any previous SCPFA festival.
No repertoire changes or substitutions are allowed after applications are submitted.
Registration fees will not be returned once submitted.